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Next Pure Generation

We at Edumont

Edumont was conceptualized as a mother’s vision to provide a safe, compassionate and sound learning experience for little babies on the threshold of stepping into the nascent years of foundation schooling, thus, empowering the younger generation with a strong premise to begin their education in a guarded, attentive and fun environment.
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Set afloat in 2016, the company was established with the sole purpose of touching the young lives empathetically and bring to them the best of the educational experience with the wide range of montessori products.

Infant Toddler

0 to 3 Years

Early Childhood

3 to 6 Years

Lower Elementary

6 to 9 Years

Upper Elementary

9 to 12 Years
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Quality Montessori Material. Real results.

See To Believe

Why Edumont?

Our Beliefs

The founder of Edumont believes that while most schools put their best foot forward to provide the students and avid learners with a rapidly growing space in the confines of their premises, they often compromise on the quality of the products that are provided to the little kids in order to meet the growing demand from the parents and to accommodate the limited space for the children at hand.

Our Purpose

The purpose of establishing a Montessori supply was to reach out to the schools and institutions facilitating the emphasis of more than just academics while training them to be school-ready. The materials enhance the focus, critical thinking and learning abilities of infants, toddlers and little children at large, empowering them to think independently and promoting an overall development.

Why Choose Us

And the best feature of patterning with Edumont comes on the back of the fact that they have in-house consultants to overhaul the look, feel and learning experience of Montessori’s and schools they partner with. The custom made classrooms and montessori spaces beckon eager parents and kids into the enticing world of foundation schooling with a promise to keep them engaged and happy.

Our Clients Absolutely Adore Us

I got the products from Edumont and they were all of excellent quality. The wooden items we ordered were absolutely smooth and durable. Hats off to Edumont for the amazing quality of their products and timely services.

Sina Montessori School

We would like to thank Edumont for assisting us with educational Montessori products during hard times. Edumont’s products helped our students learn vital skills that helped them in their overall growth.

Two Giraffe Billingual French School

Hearty congratulations to Edumont and the team for the timely supply of staff books. Really appreciate the timely services.

Alyana Manji, Oak School International